Page:Memoirs of the United States Secret Service.djvu/124

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"Charley Bon" got into this Ober's favor, and offered to buy $500 of the queer of him. After a little, Ober told him that he obtained his coney of Boyd, and showed Bon the last letter he had received from the Canadian dealer, which ran as follows:—

"Can procure you what you want, but not till end of month. Any kind you want. Let me know how much stuff you desire, and the denominations you wish.


"Charley Bon" (Anchisi) agreed to take his five hundred in $10's and $20's National Currency, and Boyd soon arranged to meet Bon at White River Junction, to deliver this sum. It stormed, and he did not appear, on the appointed day; Monsieur Leroy had meantime got acquainted with Ober, and took a letter from Ober to Boyd, saying:

"The bearer is all right. He is the friend I wrote you about. Whatever he does in relation to business will be 'all on the square.'"

E. J. Ober.

Anchisi learned that a new $2 counterfeit National note would soon be out, (as it did, in May following.) He met Delomo (alias Mons. Leroy) and they went to Lowell, together, and met at Ordway's "boozing-ken" near the railroad station, in the city of spindles. Here Alf Tenney, another noted New England counterfeiter and shover was encountered, and made "a deal" with Anchisi, alias Charley Bon.

Bon assumed the role of a "fence" on this occasion, and was roughly attired. He got acquainted with the bar-keeper of Ordway's drinking-shop, and one day there came in a stranger, named McLaughlin, an ex-state prison bird, who thought he recognized him.