Page:Memoirs of the United States Secret Service.djvu/94

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Col. Whitley; the U. S. District Attorney, Mr. Krum, delivered an able and exhaustive argument to the jury; Judge Treat charged clearly and fairly; and within one hour from the time they took the case, a verdict of GUILTY upon all five of the indictments was returned against Fred Biebusch, the most noted koniacker ever known in the great south-west.

The prisoner was at once sentenced to fifteen years confinement in the State Prison at Jefferson, Mo., and entered upon his gloomy incarceration Dec. 13, 1870, at the age of forty-seven. If he serves out this rightful sentence, Biebusch will be sixty two years old at its expiration. He had beaten the local and U. S. Detective forces, previously, more than fifty times, in thirty years! He did not succeed in purchasing or defeating those he defied, at last; and, through the present organization of the U. S. Secret Service, another dangerous rogue has thus been righteously disposed of.