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In the Senate of the United States,

March 15, 1886.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Clark, its Clerk, conveyed to the Senate the intelligence of the death of Hon. Michael Hahn, late a Representative from the State of Louisiana, and communicated the action of the House thereon.

The Presiding Officer (Mr. Sewell in the chair). The message will be laid before the Senate.

The Secretary read as follows;

In the House of Representatives,

March 15, 1886.

Resolved, That the House has heard with sincere regret the announcement of the death of Hon. Michael Hahn, late a Representative from the State of Louisiana.

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That a select joint committee consisting of seven members of the House and three members of the Senate be appointed to take order for superintending the funeral and to escort the remains of the deceased to their place of burial, and the necessary expenses attending the execution of this order be paid out of the contingent fund of the House

Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for properly carrying out the provisions of these resolutions.

Resolved, That the Clerk communicate the foregoing resolutions to the Senate.

Mr. Eustis. I offer the following resolutions and move their adoption:

Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep sensibility the announcement of the death of Hon. Michael Hahn, late a Representative from the State of Louisiana.

Resolved, That the Senate concur in the resolution of the House of Representa-