Page:Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820 (IA memorialsoftouro00word).pdf/104

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Soldiers were seen upon the frontiers of this small Canton, to impose upon it the laws of their Governors."

Note 10. Page 27. line 1.

The Church of San Salvador.

This Church was almost destroyed by lightning a few years ago, but the Altar and the Image of the Patron Saint were untouched. The Mount, upon the summit of which the Church is built, stands in the midst of the intricacies of the Lake of Lugano; and is, from a hundred points of view, its principal ornament, rising to the height of 2000 feet, and, on one side, nearly perpendicular. The ascent is toilsome; but the Traveller who performs it will be amply rewarded.—Splendid fertility, rich woods and dazzling waters, seclusion and confinement of view contrasted with sea-like extent of plain fading into the sky; and this again, in an opposite quarter, with an horizon of the loftiest and boldest Alps—unite in composing a prospect more diversified by magnificence, beauty, and sublimity, than perhaps any other point in Europe, of so inconsiderable an elevation, commands.

Note 11. Page 40. line 15.

Of what it utters

"the land
Sang with the voice, and this the argument."