Page:Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820 (IA memorialsoftouro00word).pdf/117

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Note 1. Page 98. line 12.

Ye who convoked in Sarnen occupy.

Sarnen, one of the two Capitals of the Canton of Underwalden; the spot here alluded to is close to the town, and is called the Landenberg, from the Tyrant of that name, whose chateau formerly stood there. On the 1st of Jan. 1308, the great day which the confederated Heroes had chosen for the deliverance of their Country, all the Castles of the Governors were taken by force or stratagem; and the Tyrants themselves conducted, with their Creatures, to the frontiers, after having witnessed the destruction of their Strong-holds. From that time the Landenberg has been the place where the Legislators of this division of the Canton assemble. The scite, which is well described by Ebel, is one of the most beautiful in Switzerland.

Note 2. Page 99. line 2.

Honoured Bridge.

The Bridges of Lucerne are roofed, and open at the sides, so that the Passenger has, at the same time, the