Page:Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820 (IA memorialsoftouro00word).pdf/59

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It tinged the Julian steeps—it lay
Upon Lugano's ample bay;
The solemnizing veil was drawn
O'er Villas, Terraces, and Towers,
To Albogasio's olive bowers,
Porlezza's verdant lawn.

But Fancy, with the speed of fire,
Hath fled to Milan's loftiest spire,
And there alights 'mid that ærial host
Of figures human and divine,12
White as the snows of Apennine
Indùrated by frost.

Awe-stricken she beholds the array
That guards the Temple night and day;
Angels she sees that might from heaven have flown;
And Virgin Saints—who not in vain
Have striven by purity to gain
The beatific crown;