Page:Memorials of a tour on the continent, 1820 (IA memorialsoftouro00word).pdf/64

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And quits the bosom of the deep
Only to climb the rugged steep!
—Say whence that modulated shout?
From Wood-nymph of Diana's throng?
Or does the greeting to a rout
Of giddy Bacchanals belong?
Jubilant outcry!—rock and glade
Resounded—but the voice obeyed
The breath of an Helvetian Maid.

Her beauty dazzles the thick wood;
Her courage animates the flood;
Her step the elastic green-sward meets
Returning unreluctant sweets;
The mountains (as ye heard) rejoice
Aloud, saluted by her voice!
Blithe Paragon of Alpine grace
Be as thou art—for through thy veins
The blood of Heroes runs its race!
And nobly wilt thou brook the chains