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Memories of Virginia

burg church, the church of the Colonial Governors, it will always be a point of interest to Pilgrims of the James, as the first church of the Pioneers of our country.

At the two hundred and thirteenth annual commencement of the Old Crown College of William and Mary, at Williamsburg, Virginia, June 8th, the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon Col. George Clinton Batcheller, of New York City, who is a native son of Massachusetts,—an honor to the Old Bay State to add another tide-water episode—to enhance memories of Virginia.

The enclosed note from Col. Batcheller gives a key note of fraternity. Perhaps the trustees recalled the incident when the Colonial troops, 1775, called upon Congress for a Commander-in-Chief, when Mr. John Adams quietly remarked, "Mr. Washington lives in Virginia"; practically his suggestion was a nomination of "The Great Virginian" who became leader.

"Then none was for the party,
And all were for the State,
Then the great men helped the poor,
And the poor men loved the great."

If other rich men would follow the example of Dr. Batcheller the old college of William and Mary could be made The Pride of Our Country, the Mecca of Historical Research, the Mother Home of Education.

Macauley said truely, "A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of their remote ancestors will never achieve anything
