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Memories of Virginia

Susan Preston Miller presents some brass nails from a trunk once used by Governor McDowell, of Virginia, 1795.

Mrs. Julia F. A. Jones, wife of William H. Junes, of Massachusetts, contributed an old English coin, a memory of her mother, Nancy Gordon Dustin Rowell, a lineal descendant of Robert Gordon, of Aberdeen, Scotland, and Paul Dustin, an English pioneer, and wife of Harvey Adams, Esquire, son of Benjamin Adams and Ruth Wads worth, of Braintree, Massachusetts.


The Pocahontas Bell is regarded one of the most pleasing memorials of the Jamestown Exposition, for it is an accepted fact that a nation must look backward as well as forward to fulfill its mission as a guide to progress. As a disciple of this belief and to invite a backward glance I have written Memories of Virginia to establish a Medal in memory of Governor Matthews—Captain General under the Crown and life-elected Governor of Virginia, 1624-1660, to be presented as a prize annually by the College of William and Mary for the best essay upon the Royal Government of Virginia to the date of the Restoration, the fund to be presented "on the York River," Oct. 19, 1907, our Day of Victory.

Flora Adams Darling, A.M.

1907 N Street, N. W.
   Washington, D. C.

June 20, 1907.
