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Memories of Virginia

Based on English Records of
The Settlement of Virginia

When the permanent settlement of Jamestown was made, 1607, the entire British possessions in North America bore the name Virginia, named by Sir Walter Raleigh, when the successful expedition under his direction first discovered the Capes, and the Island of Roanoke.

Later King James granted charter to two separate companies—called the London and Plymouth Companies—"for settling Colonies of America."

The London Company sent Capt. Christopher Newport to Virginia December 20, 1606, with a colony of one hundred and five persons to commence settlement on the Island of Roanoke—now in North Carolina, the land discovered by Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother-in-law, Gilbert, 1585.

The fleet of three ships, Sarah Constant, Discovery, and God Speed, through wind and tide were driven north of their place of destination and entered Chesapeake Bay, where a beautiful peninsula was discovered and where the settlement of Jamestown was commenced,
