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Memories of Virginia

Point as the gateway of Virginia, and repaired it for permanent use, where all new arrivals to Virginia had to first report; then pay 64 pounds of tobacco for its maintenance, not only making it the first custom house, but a financial success, and later, 1632, he rebuilt and made it a fortress.

At this period Colonel Matthews was thirty years of age, and the "King's Representative," was evidently a favorite at Court." He was not only Captain-General "to found and hold counties," but in 1624 he was a member of the Royal Commission that was appointed by King James the year before his death, when the Company was abolished and the Royal Government established known as the Royal Council.

The Royal Councillors included Yeardley, former Governor; Sandys, head of the Company; Matthews, Percy, Harvey, Smith, Hamor, Madison, Martin and Claybourne, Secretary of the Council. To be a member of the Royal Council was an order of nobility in Virginia, and the title of Colonel to designate distinction. By right of his official position Colonel Matthews was a Royal Councillor, member of the General Court, the House of Burgesses; and Director General of Surveyors and Commander-in-chief of the forces. History enumerates the above distinctions and closes with the following: "Colonel Matthews held every important office in the Colony from 1622 to 1660.

The Royal Councillors enjoyed the confidence of the King and Colony. History says: "Matthews' reports as Chief Councillor were loyal and reliable," and progress was estab-
