Clark, William John Hyne, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Middle Temple 9 Nov., 1868, called to the bar 30 April, 1873 (younger son of Milbourne Clark, Esq., of Grove House, Dulwich Common, Surrey, late merchant of Iquique, Peru); born , .
- 1, New Court, Carey Street, W.C.
Clark, William Ovens, B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, assistant commissioner Punjab, a student of the Inner Temple 2 May, 1870 (then aged 21), called to the bar 29 June, 1881 (4th son of James Johnson Clark, of Largantogher, co. Londonderry); born 14 Jan., 1849.
- Sialkot, Punjab; Largantogher House, Maghera, co. Londonderry.
Clarke, Charles Baron, M.A. (fellow), Queen's Coll., Camb., 1859, senior first class inspector of schools Bengal, a student of Lincoln's Inn 3 May, 1856 (then aged 23), called to the bar 30 April, 1860 (eldest son of Turner Poulter Clarke, Esq., of Andover, Hants); born , 1834.
- Darjeeling, Bengal.
Clarke, Charles Pitcher, LL.B., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1880, a student of the Inner Temple 9 Nov., 1878 (then aged 21), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1883 (eldest son of James Samuel Clarke, of Barbados, West Indies, dec.); born , 1857.
- 6, Pump Court, Temple, E.C.
Clarke, Edward, late district judge (Westland) New Zealand, a student, of the Middle Temple 25 Jan., 1838, called to the bar 28 May, 1841 (5th son of Rev. Thomas Clarke, of Southwark, Surrey, clergyman); born .
Clarke, Edward George, Q.C. 1880, M.P. Southwark in 1880, Plymouth since 1880, an associate King's Coll., London, author of The Law of Extradition, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 4 June, 1861 (then aged 20), Tancred common law student, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1864, Q.C. 24 March, 1880, bencher 18 April, 1882 (eldest son of Job Guy Clarke, of London, jeweller); born , 1841; married 20 Dec., 1866, Annie, eldest dau. of late George Mitchell, Esq., of London.
- 37, Russell Square, W.C.; 5, Essex Court, Temple, E.C.; Carlton, St. Stephen's, and City Carlton Clubs.
Clarke, (Hon.) Fielding, attorney-general Fiji 1882, acting chief justice 1884, LL.B. London Univ. 1877 and a member of Convocation, a student of the Middle Temple 12 Nov., 1872, called to the bar 10 May, 1876 (4th son of Henry Booth Clarke, of 17, Kensington Square, Middlesex, solicitor); born , .
- Fiji; 14, Serjeants' Inn, W.C.
Clarke, Frederick, assistant secretary to Legislative Council of Bengal, and acting administrator-general of Bengal formerly assistant secretary in legal department of Bengal Government, B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxon, from Eton, a student of Lincoln's Inn 19 Nov., 1864 (then aged 18), called to the bar 6 June, 1871 (2nd son of Rev. Sir Charles Clarke, Bart., of Worlingham Hall, Suffolk); born 17 March, 1846; married 22 Nov., 1877, Adelaide Catherine, eldest dau. of Roger Allday Kerrison, Esq., of London (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Calcutta; Oxford and Cambridge Club.
Clarke, George Elliott, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1834, a student of the Middle Temple 1 Feb., 1833, called to the bar 29 Jan., 1836 (eldest son of Foster Clarke, Esq., of Barbados); born , .
Clarke, George Rochfort, M.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1828, a member of the South-eastern circuit, J.P. Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 17 June, 1823, went to the Inner Temple 2 Feb., 1830, where he was called to the bar 26 Jan., 1849 (2nd son of George Clarke, Esq., late of Hyde House, Cheshire); born , 1801; married 9 July, 1830, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of late Rev. Henry Byron; she died s.p. 21 March, 1852 (see Foster's Peerage).
- Blenham Villa, Green Lanes, Finsbury Park, N.; Chesterton Lodge, Bicester; Belfield, Westmeath, Swanwick, Hampshire, and Barnstaple, Jamaica; 27, St. James' Street, S.W.
Clarke, Rev. James Langton, M.A., foundation and Van Mildert scholar univ. Durham, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857, fellow 1857, county court judge Melbourne 1858, a student of the Middle Temple 15 Nov., 1830, called to the bar 30 Jan., 1835 (2nd son of Andrew Clarke, Esq., of Belmont, co. Donegal); born , ; married 2 Sept., 1852, A. Maria Harrison, of London.
- The Common, Ealing, W.
Graham-Clarke, Leonard John, M, A. Christ Church, Oxon, a member of the Oxford circuit, J.P. cos. Gloucester and Brecon, a student of the Inner Temple 9 Nov., 1865 (then aged 24), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1868 (only son of John Altham Graham-Clarke, of the Manor House, Frocester, co. Gloucester); born , 1841; married 26 July, 1866, Flora Eliza, younger dau. of late Henry Brown, Esq., judge at Poonah.
- Frocester Manor, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire; Glanrhôs, near Rhayader, co. Brecon; Union Club.
Clarke, Richard, accountant-general in bankruptcy 1849–71, secretary of commissions, etc., to Lord Lyndhurst (Lord Chancellor) 1841, a student of the Middle Temple 18 Jan., 1839, called to the bar 28 Jan., 1842 (only son of Isaac Winslow Clarke, Esq., of London); born , .
- Ampton Common, Guildford.
Clarke, Robert Dennison, M.A., Caius Coll., Camb., 1865, a student of the Middle Temple 12 Nov., 1861, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1865 (eldest son of Robert Dennison Clarke, of Manchester, dec.); born .
- 10, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.
Clarke, Robert Nalder, B.A., Downing Coll., Camb., 1843, practises before the supreme court at Melbourne, a student of the Middle Temple 11 July, 1837, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1866 (only son of Robert Clarke, Esq., of London); born , .
- Templestowe, near Melbourne, Victoria.