Giles, John Edward, B.C.L. Magdalen Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 17 Nov., 1836 (then aged 23), called to the bar 22 Nov., 1839 (eldest son of Edward Giles, of Clapham Common, Surrey); born , 1813; married 25 April, 1843, Charlotte Augusta, dau. of Adam Cliff, Esq., of Richmond House, Walton Breck.
- Westfield, Henley-on-Thames.
Giles, Richard William, formerly a graduate of the Pharmaceutical Society, does not practise, a student of the Middle Temple 29 April, 1878, second lecture prize 1879, first lecture prize 1880, called to the bar 11 May, 1881 (only son of Richard Bobbett Giles, of Clifton, Bristol, chemist); born 23 Feb., 1824; married 5 Sept., 1861, Frances Elizabeth, only dau. of John Croome, Esq., C.E.
- 60, Nevern Square, Warwick Road, S.W.
Giles, Thomas O'Halloran, B.A., LL.B., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1884, a student of the Inner Temple 13 Jan., 1881 (then aged 17), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1884 (2nd son of Thomas Giles, of Glenelg, South Australia); born , 1864.
- 1, Vernon Chambers, Southampton Row, W.C.
Gill, Charles Frederick, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 5 June, 1871, called to the bar 30 April, 1874 (eldest son of Charles Gill, Esq., of the Elms, Clapham, Surrey); born 10 June, 1851; married 6 Nov., 1878, Ada Septima, youngest dau. of John Crossley Fielding, Esq., of Brighton.
- The Hermitage, Sutton, Middlesex; 6, Campden Hill Gardens, W.; 4, Brick Court, Temple, E.C.
Gill, Robert Thomas, late scholar Jesus Coll., Camb., practised as a solicitor 1877-83, a student of Lincoln's Inn 26 Oct., 1883, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1884 (only surviving son of late Major Robert Gill, of Bombay); born , .
- 74, Lexham Gardens, S.W.
Gillan, William Campbell, a student of the Middle Temple 25 May, 1839, called to the bar 30 April, 1853 (2nd son of Rev. Robert Gillan, of Edinburgh, dec.); born , ; married 3 Sept., 1853, Stella, youngest dau. of late Robert Phelps, Esq., of Tewkesbury).
- 1, Elgin Crescent, Kensington, W.
Gillbanks, Jonathan Cremer, B.A., Trin. Hall, Camb,, 1866 (as William), goes the Northern circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 22 Jan., 1864 (then aged 21), called to the bar 18 Nov., 1867 (eldest son of Jonathan Gillbanks, of London, merchant); born , 1843.
Gillespie, Hugh James, B.A,, Christ Church, Oxon, 1878, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Inner Temple 29 June, 1878 (then aged 25), called to the bar 11 May, 1881 (2nd son of George Gillespie, of Glasgow, merchant); born , 1853.
- Glasgow; 24, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Gillespie, Robert Alexander, B.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1869, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 22 Jan., 1868, called to the bar 1 May, 1871 (5th son of Alexander Gillespie, Esq., of Walton-on-Thames, Surrey); born 30 March, 1848.
- 90, Philbeach Gardens, Earl's Court, S.W.; 3, Plowden Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Gillett, George, B.A., Oriel Coll., Oxon, 1848, a student of the Inner Temple 8 Nov., 1849 (then aged 22), called to the bar 30 April, 1853 (eldest son of Rev. Gabriel Edward Gillett, rector of Waltham, co. Leic.); born , 1827.
- 6, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.
Gillies, William Codgbrooke, assistant paymaster R.N., of the royal yacht
Victoria and Albert, a student of the Middle Temple 12 Jan., 1880, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1882 (eldest son of Walter Gillies, of Sheerness, Kent, lieut. R.M., retired); born .
Gillman, Herbert Webb, B.A., Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1854, late district judge Galle, police magistrate and commissioner of court of requests Ceylon, J.P. co. Cork, a student of Linocln's Inn 4 May, 1865 (then aged 29), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1867 (only son of Herbert Gillman, Esq., of Clontradmore House. co Cork); born , 1836.
- Clontradmore, Coachford, co. Cork.
Gillow, George William, a member of the Northern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 6 Dec., 1872, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1875 (3rd son of Richard Thomas Gillow, Esq., of Leighton Hall, co. Lanc., J.P.); born .
- Leighton Hall, Carnforth; 4, Brick Court, Temple, E.C.
Gillson, Henry Thomas, M.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1868, a student of the Inner Temple 10 Nov., 1862 (then aged 25), called to the bar 30 April, 1866 (4th son of late Rev. Edward Gillson, of Mount Sorrel, co. Leic.); born , 1837.
- Rugby.
Gilmore, George Crosby, B.A, Trin. Coll., Camb., colonial secretary Tasmania in 1876, a student of the Inner Temple 8 Nov., 1879 (then aged 19), called to the bar 21 June, 1882 (younger son of George Gilmore, of Launceston, Tasmania); born , 1860.
- Launceston, Tasmania.
Gilmore, Randolph Orme, a member of the Northern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 30 Oct., 1879, called to the bar 21 June, 1882 (eldest son of William Gilmore, Esq., of Gilmore Range, Stockport); born , .
- 78, Cross Street, Manchester.
Gilmour, Allan, LL.B., Trin. Hall, Camb., 1874, a student of the Middle Temple 25 April, 1872, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1875 (eldest son of Allan Gilmour, of Eaglesham, co. Renfrew); born , 1851; married 20 May, 1875, Amelia Curror, younger dau. of late John Laing, Esq., and has issue.
- Eaglesham, co. Renfrew, N.B.; 12, St. Luke's Road, Westbourne Park, W.