Lewis-Lloyd, Robert, M.A., Magdalen Coll., Camb., 1862, an Etonian, goes the South Wales circuit, J.P., D.L. cos. Brecon and Radnor, high sheriff 1872, a student of the Inner Temple 18 Jan., 1860 (then aged 24), called to the bar 6 June, 1864 (eldest son of Thomas Lewis-Lloyd, Esq., of Nantygwilt, co. Radnor); born , 1836; married , 1865, Mary Anne Jane, eldest dau. of late Capt. Lewes, of Llanlear, co. Cardigan, and has issue.
- Nantygwilt, Rhayader; University Club, W.
Lloyd, Thomas Edward, M.P. co. Cardigan 1874-80, practises at the chancery bar, J.P. cos. Cardigan and Carmarthen, educated at Rugby, a student of the Middle Temple 19 Jan., 1839, called to the bar 8 Nov., 1844 (eldest son of Thomas Lloyd, Esq., of Coedmore, Cheshire); born , 1820; married , 1850, Clemena Frances Phillott, 2nd dau. of late Rev. David Daniel; she died , 1882, leaving issue.
- Coedmore, Cardigan; 3, Edinburgh Mansions, S.W.; 77, Chancery Lane, W.C.; 51, Victoria Street, S.W.; Garrick and Carlton Clubs.
Lluellyn, Raymond Maude, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1868, from Rugby, a student of the Inner Temple 22 Feb., 1873 (then aged 30), called to the bar 28 June, 1876 (youngest son of late Genl. Sir Richard Lluellyn, K.C.B.); born 22 Dec., 1842; married 21 March, 1872, Agnes Harriet, dau. of late Thomas Masters Usborne, Esq., of Clifton, co. Cork.
- Peterley Manor, Great Missenden; 21, Cadogan Place, S.W.
Loader, John, registration agent, a student of the Middle Temple 23 Jan., 1882, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1884 (only surviving son of late Thomas Loader, of London, dec.); born , .
- 24, Comeragh Road, S.W.
Loch, William Adam, F.R.G.S., Crown agent for Scotland in London, educated at the Charterhouse and the universities of London and Edinburgh, a student of Lincoln's Inn 20 Dec., 1834 (then aged 20), called to the bar 28 Jan., 1840 (3rd son of James Loch, Esq., M.P.); born 26 Nov., 1814; married 5 Jan., 1847, Sophia Brownrigg, youngest child of Major Bates, R.E.
- 42, Redcliffe Gardens, S.W.
Lock, Benjamin Fossett, M.A., King's Coll., Camb., 1878, a member of the Western circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 30 Jan., 1869 (then aged 21), called to the bar 7 June, 1873 (3rd son of Henry Lock, of Dorchester, gent.); born , 1848; married 31 May, 1879, Jane E., dau. of Rev. J. P. Hammond, late vicar of Sopley.
- 7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Locke, John Henry, M.A. Trin. Coll., Camb., a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 11 Jan., 1868 (then aged 19), called to the bar 18 Nov., 1872 (only son of late John Locke, Q.C., and a master of the bench of the Middle Temple); born , 1849.
- 63, Eaton Place, S.W.; 2, Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Locke, Samuel Archibald, practises before the High Court Madras, a student of the Middle Temple 4 Nov., 1871, called to the bar 6 June, 1874 (eldest son of Samuel Richard Locke, Esq., of Madras); born .
- Madras.
Lockhart, James, M.A., Univ. Coll., Oxon, 1823, went the Oxford circuit, lord of the manor of Sherfield English, etc., a student of Gray's Inn 9 Feb., 1821, called to the bar 11 Feb., 1824 (eldest son of James Lockhart, Esq., of Haarlem, Holland); born , 1796; married , 1830, Caroline, dau. of Signor Manzini, of Rome, and had issue.
- Sherfield English, Romsey.
Lockwood, Frank, Q.C., recorder of Sheffield since 1884, a member of the Bar Committee since 1883, a member of the Northern circuit, B.A., Caius Coll., Camb., 1869, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 April, 1869 (then aged 22), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1872, Q.C. 16 Dec, 1882 (2nd son of Charles Day Lockwood, of Ardwick, Manchester, merchant); born , 1847; married 3 Sept., 1874, Julia Rosetta, 2nd dau. of late Salis Schwabe, of Manchester.
- 18, Kensington Gardens Square, W.; 2, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Locock, Sir Charles Brodie, Bart., M.A., Trin., Coll., Camb., 1853 (scholar), a student of the Inner Temple 21 Jan., 1850, went to Lincoln's Inn 17 April, 1851, where he was called to the bar 6 June, 1853 (eldest son of Sir Charles Locock, Bart., of London, M.D., D.C.L.); born 21 July, 1827; married 27 Dec., 1859, Fanny Bird, 2nd dau. of Rev. Thomas Pitman, vicar of Eastbourne and prebendary of Chichester, and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- 22, Gloucester Square, W.; 9, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.; Athenæum and Oxford & Cambridge Clubs.
Lodge, John William, M.A., Caius Coll., Camb., 1883, capt. 3rd batt. Yorkshire regt., a student of the Inner Temple 19 Feb., 1878 (then aged 22), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1883 (only son of Robert Lodge, Esq., of Bishopsdale, Yorks); born 8 Aug., 1854.
- The Rookery, Bishopdale, Bedale; Conservative Club, St. James'.
Lodge, Oliver, a member of the Northern circuit, late scholar of Pembroke Coll., Oxon, a student of the Middle Temple 29 April, 1861, went to the Inner Temple 19 April, 1865 (then aged 24), where he was called to the bar 1 May, 1865 (2nd son of Robert John Lodge, of London, secretary to Marine Insurance Company); born , 1841.
Loehnis, Herman William, M.A., Trin. Coll., Oxon, 1884, from Dulwich Coll., goes the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 9 Jan., 1879 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1882 (only son of Herman Loehnis, of Dulwich Common, Surrey and of Berlin); born 2 Aug., 1857; unmarried
- 1., King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C