Sawyer, Robert, B.A., Merton Coll., Oxon, 1844, a revising barrister on Oxford circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 7 Nov., 1844, called to the bar 14 Jan., 1848 (4th son of Charles Sawyer, Esq., of Heywood, Berks); born , 1822.
- Maidenhead.
Saxon, Arthur Llewelyn, B.A., Worcester Coll., Oxon, 1880, a student of the Inner Temple 25 June, 1879 (then aged 23), called to the bar 21 June, 1882 (2nd son of late George Saxon, of Kingston, Surrey); born , 1856.
- 1, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C.
Saxton, Edward Somes, B.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1870, a student of Lincoln's Inn 22 Jan., 1868 (then aged 19), called to the bar 30 April, 1872 (eldest son of Edward Saxton, of Sydenham Hill, Kent, solicitor); born , 1849; married 25 April, 1878, Evelyn Meigh, 2nd dau. of William Peek, Esq., of Sydenham Hill.
- 19, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Sayer, Charles Lane, LL.B., Trin. Hall, Camb., 1869, law studentship 1870-3, a student of Lincoln's Inn 21 Jan., 1869 (then aged 23), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1872 (4th surviving son of Rev. Edward Lane Sayer, late of Thames Ditton, Surrey, dec.); born 19 Oct., 1845.
- 4, Grove Crescent, Kingston-on-Thames; 61, Carey Street, W.C.
Sayer, John, M.A., Trin. ColL, Oxon, 1850, from Rugby, J.P. Kent, a student of Lincoln's Inn 23 Jan., 1847 (aged 24), called to the bar 29 Jan., 1850 (only son of Rev. John Sayer, late vicar of Arlingham, co. Gloucester); born 21 Jan., 1823; married 13 Sept., 1849, Charlotte Sibella, dau. of Rev. William Crawley, of Flaxley, co. Gloucester, and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage, Crawley-Boevey).
- Pett Place, Charing, Kent; Slowwe, Arlingham, co. Gloucester.
Sayer, John, jun., M.A. Christ Church, Oxon, B.A. 1873, a student of Lincoln's Inn 4 May, 1872 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1875 (eldest son of John Sayer, of Arlingham, co. Gloucester, and of Lincoln's Inn, bar.-at-law); born 3 July, 1850.
- 10, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.; Oxford and Cambridge Club.
Sayers, Ernest Alma, B.A., Balliol Coll., Oxon, 1878, matric. London Univ. 1873, a student of the Inner Temple 11 Jan., 1877 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1879 (only son of Ernest Sayers, Esq., of London, formerly royal horse guards); born 26 Nov., 1856.
- 9, Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, W.; 1, Crown Office Row, Tample, E.C.
Sayers, James Brydges, M.A Queen's Univ., Ireland, scholar Queen's Coll., Belfast, a student of the Middle Temple 2 July, 1878, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1884 (eldest son of Rev. Johnston Brydges Sayers, LL.D., garrison chaplain Fort St. George, Madras); born 2 Dec, 1856; unmarried.
- 2, Middle Temple Lane, E.C.
Sayles, Lewis Charles, assistant secretary to H.M.'s commissioners for Exhibition 1851, a student of Lincoln's Inn 3 Nov., 1869 (then aged 26), called to the bar 30 April, 1874 (2nd son of Frederick Alban Sayles, of Lincoln, gent.); born 2 Oct., 1842.
- 12, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Scafe, Charles Harington, major royal marines 1883, instructor of gunnery, a student of the Inner Temple 19 Jan., 1878 (then aged 33), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1880 (younger son of late Capt. William Scafe, Madras native infantry); born 14 July, 1844.
- Forton Barracks, Gosport.
Scaife, John Harper, matric. London Univ. 1880, of H.M.'s office of woods, forests, and land revenues since 1876, a student of the Middle Temple 1 Nov., 1880, called to the bar 7 May, 1884 (eldest son of John Scaife, of London, gent.); born 16 Sept., 1854; married 30 July, 1879, Marie Elizabeth, only dau. of late John Greenwood, of Settle, gent.
- Bolderwood, Hendon, N.W.
Scarbrough, John Impey, capt. 3rd batt. the Devonshire regt. since 1880, J.P. Devon, matric. Queen's Coll., Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 18 April, 1873 (then aged 26), called to the bar 25 April, 1877 (eldest son of John Latoysonere Scarbrough, Esq., of Colyford, Devon); born , 1847; married , 1879, Mary Helen, elder dau. of Rev. Richard Robert Chope, M.A., and has issue.
- Coly House, Colyford, Axminster, Devon.
Scarlett, Harry, LL.B., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1879, a student of the Inner Temple 14 April, 1877 (then aged 19), called to the bar 11 May, 1881 (5th son of James Williams Scarlett, Esq., of Downland, Uckfield, Sussex); born 20 Aug., 1857 (see Foster's Peerage, B. Abinger).
- Downland, Uckfield, Sussex.
Scarlett, James, formerly practised as a solicitor, a student of Lincoln's Inn 27 April, 1882 (then aged 34), called to the bar 18 April, 1883 (eldest son of James Scarlett, of London, dec.); born , 1848.
- The Park, East Molesey, Surrey; Woodberry Down, Stoke Newington; 4, Essex Court, Temple, E.C.
Scarlett, James Williams, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1836, from Eton, J.P. Herts, a student of the Inner Temple 19 April, 1834 (then aged 22), called to the bar 14 June, 1838 (only surviving son of late Sir William Anglin Scarlett, chief justice Jamaica); born 20 Feb., 1812; married 14 Sept., 1837, Anne Rhodes Williams, dau. of late James Brown, Esq., of Harehills Grove, Yorks; she died 25 Dec., 1868, leaving issue (see Foster's Peerage, B. Abinger).
- Downland House, Uckfield; Achamore House, Island of Gigha, N.B.
Sceales, Andrew Downing, in civil service, a student of the Middle Temple 23 Nov., 1878, called to the bar 29 June, 1881 (eldest son of Capt. Jaffray Sceales, nautical assessor Board of Trade); born , .
- 2, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.