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thousand men to Dover the day after receiving his commission. Reginald was educated at Hart Hall, Oxford, on leaving which he returned to his paternal estate at Smeeth, where he published a work on agriculture, entitled "The Perfect Pattern of a Hop Garden," and soon after, in 1584, the work by which he is universally known, "The Discoverie of Witchcraft," in which he endeavours to overthrow the popular prejudices of the time as to the possibility of incantations and sorceries. This book was burnt by the common hangman, and it was against what he termed the "damnable opinions" contained therein that James I. wrote his famous treatise on "Demonologie." Scott died in 1599.

[See "Wood's Athenæ Oxon," by Bliss, and Allibone's "Dictionary of Authors."]

Sir Charles Sedley,


Was born at the Friary, Aylesford, in 1639, and educated at Wadham College, Oxford. He was well known as one of the wits of the Court, and after the Restoration represented Romney in Parliament. His daughter, becoming the mistress of James II, was created Countess of Dorchester. Sir Charles, in reference to this, at the Revolution, being asked why he took part against James, replied that "he did so from gratitude; for as he made my daughter a Countess, it is fit that I should do what I could to make his daughter (the wife of William of Orange)