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1803. This he followed up by numerous publications of great merit, including a "Life of Napoleon," in 1828; but his chief reputation rests in his criticisms of English dramatic and other literature which appeared in a variety of publications. He died Sept. 18th 1830, and was buried at St. Ann's, Soho.

[See "Gentleman's Magazine," 1830, and Allibone's "Dictionary of Authors."]



May be claimed as a Kentishman, seeing that he was born at Greenwich in 1491, and baptized at the Parish Church, by Fox, the Bishop of Exeter. At Greenwich also he married Catherine of Aragon, and Anne of Cleves, and many other events of his life are associated with the county. At Hever Castle, near Tunbridge, it was that he first met, and subsequently visited, Anne Boleyn during the troubled days of his courtship. It was at Dover that in 1520, he embarked in his "grete shippe" the Harry Grace-de-Dieu, for the Field of the Cloth of Gold, and where, subsequently, he met Charles V., of Germany, to ride with him in state to Canterbury. At Dover, too, he commenced the famous pier which he did not live to finish, but which extended into the sea 20 rods farther than the present pier-heads. The Castles of Deal, Sandown and Walmer may also be considered as monuments of this King, being originally of the series of "platforms and block-houses," built along the coast by him in 1539, when it seemed probable that Eng-