Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/224

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Columbia; and a companion of the first class and vice-commander in the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States; a companion and department commander of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of California. In politics a Democrat, he was made president of the Jefferson Memorial Association in 1903, and was frequently mentioned in Democratic conventions as an available candidate for president of the United States. He introduced the practice of athletics in the United States army. He is the author of "Personal Recollections; or, from New England to the Golden Gate" (1897); "Military Europe" (1898); "Observations Abroad; or, Report of Major-General Nelson A. Miles, Commanding United States Army, of his Tour of Observatin in Europe" (1899); army reports, and contributions to magazines.

In January, 1905, he was detailed lieutenant-general United States army to represent the war department at the capital of his native state, Massachusets, on special request of the governor, to become his military adviser with the general supervison of the military of the state.