Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/40

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colonel of the 6th United States infantry; and May 18, 1893, he was promoted colonel of the 4th United States infantry. In 1894, he took the field to restore order during the Coxey labor excitement, and also during the strike on the Northern Pacific Railroad.

At the beginning of the Spanish- American war, in 1898, Colonel Hall proceeded to Tampa, Florida, and Avas placed in command of the Florida and Alabama divisions, with the rank of brigadier-general of United States volunteers. In March, 1899, he was sent to the Philippines and placed in command of a brigade of the 8th army corps. Here he engaged the insurgents at Baulac, and at Masiquina; captured Antipolo, and Calamba; and conducted an expedition to Binangonan, of which he took possession, October 9, 1900, capturing an insurgent gunboat. Three days later, he occupied the Island of Polillo. Returning to Washington, he was placed on the retired list, November 15, 1901, with the rank of brigadier-general in the United States army.

General Hall is a prominent Mason; a member of the Loyal Legion, and of other army organizations; and a corresponding member of the Wisconsin state historical society. He is the author of the "Register of the United States Army, 1789-98," "History of the Flag of the United States," "History of United States Infantry Tactics," "History of Fort Dearborn," and "Review of Works of United States History." In February, 1866, he was married to Georgianna K. Foote, of Batavia, New York.