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We hope that the lectures may also prove useful to clergymen and religious teachers when dealing with classes of young people; and we have, therefore, avoided all that is controversial or denominational as far as possible.

The lectures have all been delivered to such classes as we have spoken of, and their practical value has thus, to a certain extent, been tested: that is to say, other similar lectures which failed to interest or please have been omitted.

As before stated many of the lectures are practically little more than compilations. Our obligations are due to Stanley's 'Life of Arnold,' to Miss C. A. Jones' 'Life and Times of St. Charles Borromeo,' to the 'Life of Henry Martyn,' to Mr. Cotter Morison's 'Life of St. Bernard,' to Dr. Kirton's and Mr. Tyerman's 'Lives of Wesley,' to Mr. Thomas Hughes' 'Livingstone,' to Colonel Butler's 'Gordon,' to Mr. Stobart's 'Islam,' to an unpublished lecture on Socrates by Dr. Goulburn, and to Mr. Clifford's 'Father Damien'; and our particular thanks are due to the author of the 'Life of Fenelon,' who, through Messrs. Longmans, has most kindly permitted us to make use of the masterly translations of letters and documents that appear in that delightful book.

We must also be permitted to express our thanks to H. E. Luxmoore, Esq., of Eton College, and the Rev. A. H. Baynes, Vicar of Christchurch, Greenwich, who have contributed three of the lectures.

A. C. B.
H. F. W. T.

Eton College,
May, 1892.