Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/347

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caching impaired his health, and restore it he went to Italy in 1847, ited Rome and Naples, had seve- interviews with Pope Pius IX., i returned home by way of 3nna and Munich. He next »jne superior of a house of his ler at Toomai. On Sept. 20, >5, he was appointed Bishop of mur, being consecrated in the demptorist church of St. Alfonso, the Esquiline, Rome. He was v^anced on the death of Cardinal irckx to the archbishopric of »chlin, which he has filled since c. 20, 1867. Pope Pius IX. »ated him a Cardinal Priest, trch, 15, 1875, \he "title" as- "ned to him being that of St.

nes without the Walls. Cardinal

ichamps has written many re- ious and controversial works in ench.

DEFREGGER, Fbanz, an Aus- an painter, born at Stronach, in 3 Tyrol, April 30, 1835 ; showed »m his infancy a strong inclina- n for artistic pursuits, and re- ved his first lessons from a ilptor at Innsprilck in 1860. len he went to Munich, entered 3 School of Arts there, and con- Lued his artistic studies under the •ection of Piloty. In 1863 he xjeeded to Paris, where he stayed o years, and then returned to inich, where he painted a series genre pictures, representing the e of the people in his native intry. Among his works may mentioned " The Last Return of B Forester;" "The Poachers;" oseph Speckbacher and his Son ;" d " The Zither Player." In 1882 3 King of Bavaria raised this lebrated painter to noble rank, bestowing on him the Bavarian der of the Crown. DEFRlfeMERY, Charles, a ench orientalist, born at Cam- u, in 1822. He went in 1840 to ris, where he learnt Arabic and rsian under Caussin de Perceval d Quatrem^re. Since then he s gained a high reputation as an

orientalist by publishing in ' Journal Asiatique de Paris a la number of articles, the most ; portant of which have been published in a collected form, un the title of " Memoires d'Histc Orientale," 1854. He has a translated from the Persian 1 guage the following works : — " I toire des Sultans Ghourides," Mirkoud, 1844; " Histoire des £ sanides," by the same writer, 18 "Histoire des Eans Mongols Turkestan et de la Transoxian by Khoudemir, 1852 ; and " Gu tan," or the " Parterre des Ros< by Sadi, 1858. From the Ara he has translated " Voyages d*] Batoutah dans la Perse, VA Centrale, et TAsie Mineure," 2 vc 1853-56. M. Defr^mery has likev edited the Persian text of the " I toire des Sultans du Eharezm," Mirkoud, 1842, with notes ; i

  • ' Fragments de Geographes

d'Historiens Arabes et Persans i dits," 1849. M. Defr^mery ii member of the Asiatic Society, i of the Institute, and assistant I fessor of Arabic in the College France. In 1869 he was appoin director of studies for the Pers and Oriental languages in , "£cole Pratique des hautes 1 des." He received the honor degree of Doctor of Philosophy i Literature from the University Leyden in Feb. 1875.

DE HAAS, Maurice F. marine painter, born at Rotterd Dec. 12, 1832. He studied at Academy of Fine Arts, and wc pupil of Louis Meyer, and of ot eminent artists. In 1857 he made artist to the Dutch ns and in 1859 he went to New Y< where he has since lived. [ subjects of his earlier pictures chiefly from the English ChaB and French coast ; and am< them are " Storm off the Isle Jersey," " After the Wreck," " J shore near Hastings," "Calm Newport," "Wreck off St. I iers," " Yacht Henrietta," "CL