Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/363

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had been re-elected, on his jeptance of the post of President

the Local Government Boards d consequently he remained a amber of Parliament, although

could neither sit nor vote. He a sat for Scarborough since July, BO. Mr. Dodson ^as Chairman

Committees of the whole House )m Feb. 1865, till April, 1872; nancial Secretary to the iSreasury )m Aujj. 1873, to Feb. 1874 ; and •esident of the Local Government )ard from April, 1880, till Dec. 82, when he was appointed Chan- llor of the Duchy of Lancaster. 9 married in 1856, Florence, se- nd daughter of Mr. W. J. Cam- on, of Danny, Sussex. DOLBY. (See Sainton-Dolbt.) DOLLINGEE, Johk Joseph NATiuB, a theologian and histo- m, born at Bamberg, in Bavaria, 3b. 28, 1799, became chaplain to e diocese of Bamberg almost im- ediately after receiving priest's ders in 1822. In 1826 he pub-

hed a work on " The Doctrine of

e Eucharist during the First iree Centuries," and was the same •ar invited to lecture before the niversity of Munich, on the His- ry of the Church. The substance

his lectures before that institu- [>n was published in his " Manual

the History of the Church," in 128 ; and in a more extended form L his " Treatise on the History of le Church," which appeared in J38. In 1845 DOllinger turned his

tention to politics, and repre-

mted the University of Munich in le Bavarian Parliament, and in )51 was a delegate to ^that of rankfort, where he voted for the )solute separation of the Church om.the State. In 1861 he deli- ired some lectures advocating the jandonment of the temporal power y the Holy See, and he is the ithor of " Origins of Christianity," Liblished in 1833-5; "The Religion ? Mahomet," in 1838; "The Be- ►rmation; its Interior Develop- lent and its Effects," in 1846-8;

"A Sketch of Luther." in 1851; "The Church and the Churches; or, the Papacy and the Temporal Power," of which a translation ap- peared in England in 1862; and several pamphlets. More recently Dr. Ddllin^er has obtained a world-wide notoriety by his i)er- sistent opposition to the decrees of the Vatican Council, and especially to that one which declares the Pope to be infallible when addressing the Church ex cathedrA on questions of faith and morals. Dr. DdlUnger has, in fact, become the acknow- ledged leader of all who, within the Church, are disaffected towards the Holy See. His conduct was ap- proved by the Bavarian Govern- ment, although he was, on April 18, 1871; formally excommunicated by the Archbishop of Munich. The University of Oxford conferred on him the degree of D.C.L., Jan. 6, 1871; and on the 29th of the fol- lowing month he was elected Rector of the University of Munich by fifty-four votes against six. In 1872 the King of Bavaria decorated Dr. Ddllinger with the Order of Merit, and the University of Edin- burgh conferred upon him the honorary degree of LL.D. He was appointed R-esidept of the Royal Academy of Science at Munich in succession to Baron Liebig, in May^ 1873. Early in the following' yeai the Emperor rewarded him £>r his opposition to the Catholic party bj conferring upon him the Order oi the Red Eagle, second class. Dr Dallinger presided over the "Old Catholic" conference convened a1 Bonn, in Sept. 1874; when it ap- peared that his views on ecclesias- tical subjects had been greaUj developed since his rupture witi the Church, as he frankly declared that he and his colleagues did nol consider themselves bound by th< Council of Trent. He also intro duced a declaration, which wai adopted unanimously, that th< Eucharistic celebration in th< Church is not a oontinaoas repeti