Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/498

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X) the bar. At the begin- he civil war he entered derate Army as Captain, to the rank of Major- He became prominent ke end of the war, espe- ing the protracted siege »tirg by General (Jrant, at >f which he commanded a f Lee's army. His divi- ded to barely 8,000 men, lat remained in arms at surrender at Appomatox use. The State of Geor- g been "reconstructed" >er of the Union, he was, he Democratic candidate Qor, but his Republican was declared to be elect- l73 he wan chosen Senator >rgia, and re-elected in resigned his seat in 1880. a leading part in the id although a Democrat, Loderate support to the President Hayes. II, Abthttb, General, born 18, at Topporcz, in Hun- red the military school of re he completed the three ree of study in two. His ving been recognized, he inted at Vienna to the 1 body-guard, and was in J promoted First Lieu-

the PaJatinal Hussars, le army in order to study at Prague ; but the news sing in Hungary called tion, and he hastened to ih, and placed his sword iposal of the Hungarian

The firmness of his con- 'acted the attention of md, until he became his gei appears to have been ite. After the battle of b he assumed the chief of the Hungarian army, at position showed great talent. He was driven lab by Windischgratz, it possible for him to defend with his small force ; was pulsed at Windschacht,

and saved his army by a bold retreat over the Sturecz mountain. Soon after this his differences with the civil authorities began. Twice he was superseded in his command, and on resuming it, was alternately victor and vanquished. The Go- vernor and Council resigned, Aug. 11, 18t9, and Kossuth made Gftrgei dictator in his place. Shortly after this the Hungarian forces laid down their arms. For this Gorgei had been called a traitor, though the state of affairs seemed desperate enough to warrant submission. The most suspicious part of the affair is the leniency with which he was treated by the victors. He went to Klagenfurt, was afterwards allowed to leave on parole, and pursued his favourite study of chemistry at Pesth. A narrative of his connec- tion with the insurrection, under the title of " My Life and Acts in Hungary," appeared in 1851. From that time he has lived in retire- ment, keeping completely aloof from politics.

GOSCHEN, The Riqht Hon. GEOBaE Joachim, M.P., son of the late WiUiam Henry Gdschen, a London merchant, of German ex- traction, was born Aug. 10, 1831. He received his education at Eugby, under Drs. Tait and Goulbum, and at Oriel College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A., taking a first class in classics, in 1853. Formerly he was a merchant in partnership with Messrs. Fruhling and Gdschen, of Austinfriars, but he retired from that firm on taking oflSce in the Russell-Gladstone ministry . He was returned in the Liberal interest for the City of London, in May, 1863, on the death of Mr. W. Wood, and he took an active part in the move- ment for throwing open the uni- versities to dissenters, and the abolition of religious tests. Mr. Gdschen, who was re-elected for the City of London, at the head of the poll, at the general election in July, 1865, was made Vice-Presi- dent of the Board of Trade, Nov.