Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/659

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Orleanist princes. He and the Duo d'Aomale took their seats in the National Assembly^ Dec. 19> 1871.

JOKAI, Maubus^ the nokost pro* duotiye and genial of Hungarian Aoyelists, was born Feb. 19« 1825, at Komom. His father was an advocate, of good and ancient family, and a strict Calyinist, so that his son was poritanioaUj brought up, until his twelfth year, when he was left an orphan. Dturing two years before his father's death he had been learning Ger^ man at Presburg, but he was now left to teach himself, until in 1840 he went to the Hieh School at Pipa, and in 1842 to that of Keoske- m^t, at both haying the Hungarian poet Alexander PeS^fi as his ^ool- fellow. In 1844 he went to Pesth, where he was articled to an adyo- cate, and obtained his diploma, of which, however, he never availed himself; for, in 1846, he was al- ready editor of the Uien very fa- mous Wochenblatt. In 1848 he proclaimed the " Twelve Points of Pesth," and in the same year he married Boea Laborfalvi, the greatest of Hungarian tragedians. In 1848 he followed the Hungarian government to Debreczin, where he edited the Ahendbldtter, and was present at the capitulation of Yil- lagoe, Aug. 28. To escape being made prisoner, he resolved on sui- cide, but was hindered by the fortunate arrival of his wife from Pesth. She had converted all her jewels into gold, and the pair found their way on foot through the Bussian army, reached a safe hiding-place in the wood of Bukk, and at last got safe to Pesth. Ten years followed, during which Hun- garian literature became well nigh extinct. Almost alone this young man created a new one, and since political journalism was impracti- cable he betook himself to notion. He has published in 160 vols. 25 romances of several vols, each, 820 novelettes, and six dramas, of which

more than half a nullion oopiea have been sold anKmgst six Tnillions of Magyars, besides translations into various languages. Among st his most popular romances are» "The Good Old Assessors," "A Hungarian Nabob," and its oon- tinuation, entitled "Zolt4n KAr- pAthy," " Sad Times," " Oceania," "The White Bose," "The Acoureed Family," "Transylvania's Golden Age," "The Turks in Hungmiy," "The Last Days of the Janissaries in 1820," " Poor Bich Men," " The World turned Upsidedown," " Mad- house Management," "The New Landlord" (translated into English by A. Patterson, London, 1865), and "The Bomance of the Next Cen- tury." In 1863 J6ka]L established, as an organ of the Left, the Hos (Fatherland), the most widely dif- fused Hungarian journal.

JOMINI, Babon Alxxandbb os, a Bussian statesman, son of the celebrated tactician, began his diplomatic career in 1885. He took piyrt, in 1874^ as Plenipotentiary of Bussia, in the BrusseLs conference for lessening the horrors of war. In 1875, during the absence of Prince Ghortschakoff, Baron Jomini directed, ad interim, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the last war with Turkey in 1877 he accompanied Prince Gortschakoif to Bucharest, and in 1879 the management of the Ministry again devolved upon him in the absence of its chief, M. de Giers. Inijnil, 1882, he was promoted to the rank of Secretary of State. Baron Jomini is generally credited with great influence over the Bussian diplo- matic and semi-official Press ; and any important article on Bussia's foreign relations in the French Journal de 8t, Piterebourg is attri- buted to his inspiration.

JONES, The Bight Bst. Llbw- SLLTN, D.D., Bidiop of Newfound- land, was educated at Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge (B.A., 1862; MA.. 1866 J D.D., jure dignUatU, 1878). He was curate of Bromsgrove, Wor-