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Conversations, Letters, and Opinions of the late Arminius, Baron von Thunder-Ten-Tronckh;" in 1873, "Literature and Dogma; an Essay towards a better Apprehension of the Bible;" and in 1877 "Last Essays on Church and Religion." In 1867 Mr. Arnold ceased to hold the Poetry Chair at Oxford; in 1869 he received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of Edinburgh, and in 1870 from his own University of Oxford. About the year 1876 the Order of Commander of the Crown of Italy was conferred on him by the King of Italy, in acknowledgment of his care of the young Duke of Genoa, who lived in Mr. Arnold's family while pursuing his studies in England. Mr. Arnold's collected poems were re-printed in 1877, and again in 1881. He has edited selections from Isaiah, and from Wordsworth, Byron, Johnson and Burke. His latest work is a volume published in 1882, bearing the title of "Irish Essays and Others." On June 14, 1882, Mr. Arnold delivered at Cambridge the annual Rede Lecture, his subject being "Literature and Science."

ARNOTT, James Moncrieff, F.R.S., son of the late Robert Arnott, Esq., of Chapel, in the county of Fife, was born in 1794, received his education at the High School and University of Edinburgh, and there entered on the study of his profession, which he subsequently pursued in London, Paris and Vienna. In 1817 he settled in London, was many years surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital, and was Professor of Surgery in King's College, London. In 1840 he was appointed one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, and some years afterwards a member of the Court of Examiners of that body, of which he has been twice President. In 1860 he was elected representative of the College in the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of the Kingdom. These appointments he resigned in 1865, when he retired to his paternal estate in Fifeshire. His chief professional contributions were papers read to the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, and published (eight in number) in their Transactions. The most valuable was that on the "Secondary effects of Inflammation of the Veins" (1829), in which Mr. Arnott first directed attention to the very important subject of Pyæmia.

ARNOULD, Sir Joseph, eldest son of the late Joseph Arnould, M.D., of Whitecross, near Wallingford, was born at Camberwell in 1815, and educated at the Charter House, and at Wadham College, Oxford, where he gained the Newdigate prize for English verse in 1834, and graduated as a first-class in classics in 1836. He afterwards became Fellow of his college, was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in 1841, and went the Home circuit. For many years he was connected with the periodical press, and more especially with the Daily News. He was appointed a puisne judge of the Supreme Court of Bombay, in 1859, when he received the honour of knighthood. In June, 1862, he was re-appointed, under the new Act of Parliament, as Judge of the High Court of Judicature. On the expiration of his term of office in 1869, the wealthy natives of Bombay, to mark the character of Sir Joseph Arnould as a judge, especially his desire to deal out evenhanded justice without reference to caste or colour, resolved to institute a scholarship, which will bear his name, in the University of Bombay. He is the author of a "Treatise on Marine Insurance," and of a "Memoir of Thomas, first Lord Denman, formerly Lord Chief Justice of England," 2 vols., 1873.

ARTHUR, Prince. (See Connaught, Duke of.)

ARTHUR, Chester Allan, twenty-first President of the United States, was born in Franklin County,