Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/698

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■whichL were produced at the little theatre of the Champs-i^ys^es, viz., " Le Baiser k la Poste," " Liline et Valentin/' " Les Ondines au Cham- pagne " Sept., 1865, and " Le Cabaret de Bamponneau" Oct.,

1867. In May, 1866, he had brought out at the Palais-Boyal an operetta in one act, "Le Myoeo- tis," the music being composed by him, and the witty and sprightly libretto being from the pen of Cham, the caricaturist. This piece was received with the most flatter- iiig marks of favour. After the establishment of the Athen^e M. Lecocq produced at that theatre " L'Amour et son Carquois," Jan.,

1868, a comic opera in two actsj and in the month of April follow- ing, " Pleur de Th6/* an opera buff a in three acts, which was his first brilliant success, and which had a run of 100 nights. Among his subsequent pieces are : " Les Ju- meaux de Bergame ;" " Le Cama- val d'un Merle blkncj" "Gan- dolfo;" "Le Eaiah de Mysore j"

  • 'Le Testament de M. de Crac;"

"Le Barbierde TrouviUej" "Les Cents Vierges," produced at Brus- sels during the war of 1870-71 j " La Fille de Madame Angot," his most popular production, also brought out at Brussels, Dec. 4, 1872; " Girofl^-Girofla," brought out March 21, 1874, at the Th^&tre des Fantaisies Parisiennes (Alca- zar) at Brussels, and afterwards wil^ an English libretto, at the Philharmonic Theatre in London; "Les Pr^s Saint Gervais," an opera buffa, brought out at the Th^Atre des Vari6t^s, Paris, Nov. 14, 1874, and in an English dress at the Criterion Theatre, London, on the 28th of the same month, the original libretto by MM. Sardou and Gille having been translated by Mr. Robert Beece ; " Le Pom- pon," at the Folies Dramatiques, Nov., 1875 J " La Petite Marine," produced at the Renaissance, Dec., 1875, and presented to a London audience at the Op4ra Comique,

May 6, 1876; "Kosilri,'" Renais- sance, Oct., 1876; "La Marjo- laine," same theatre, Feb. 3, 1877 ; "Le Petit Due," same theatre, Jan. 25, 1878 ; and " La Camargo," same theatre, Nov. 20, 1878.

LE CONTE, Joseph, M.D., born in Liberty Coimty, Georgia, Feb. 26, 1823. He graduated at Frank- lin College in 1841, and the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1845, and practised his profession at Macon, Georgia. In 1850 he went to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he studied under Agassiz. He subsequently held several professorships, and since 1869 has been Professor of Geology and Natural History in the Xfniversity of California. He has published several essays on education and the fine arts, a work on " The Mutual Relations of Re- ligion and Science," 1874 ; and one on "Sight," 1881. Among his strictly scientific publications are papers on "The Agency of the Gulf Stream in the Formation of the Peninsula of Florida;" "On the Correlation of Vital Force with Chemical and Physical Forces ;'" " On the Phenomena of Binocular Vision;" "A Theory of the For- mation of the Great Features of the Earth's Surface;" "On some of the Ancient Glaciers of the Sierras;" "On the Ghreat Lava Flood of the North-west ; " and " On the Structure and Age of the Cascade Mountains."

LEDOCHOWSKI, His Em- NENCB MiEOiSLAS, Cardinal of the Roman Church, Archbishop of Gnesen and Posen, and Primate of Poland, was born at Gork, of an illustrious Polish family, Oct. 29, 1822. He commenced his theo- logical studies under the Lazarists in the college of St. John, Warsaw, and at the age of eighteen received the ecclesiastical tonsure and habit from the Bishop of Sandomir. After some studies at Vienna he pro- ceeded to Rome, where he joined the " Academia Eccle8iastica,%