Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/794

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quent contributor to the Daily News, and in the latter year wrote some interesting letters to that paper from Mount Lebanon, concerning the massacre of the Christians in Syria, of which he was in many in- stances a witness. From 1856 to 1870, he was a constant contributor to Household Words, taid afterwards to All the Tear Bound. From 1866 to 1870 he was editor of The WeeUy Register. In 1870 he went abroad as special correspondent of the NewTorh Herald with the French army, and went through the whole campaign with MacMahon's corps d*arm4e. He was the only newspaper corres- pondent present at the famous bat- tle of Worth, which he witnessed from the top of the Tillage church steeple. After Sedan he accepted an offer from the Daily Telegraph, and remained in France as special correspondent of that paper until the end of the war, and afterwards, for two years, as correspondent for the same Journal at Paris and Ver- sailles. He joined the staff of The Hour in 1873. He went to Ver- sailles for the trial of Marshal Ba- zaine for The How, and afterwards, in the employment of the Echo, as special correspondent with the Prince of Wales. In 1865 he pub- lished "The Bubbles of Finance," and in 1866 " The Profits of Panics," being both descriptions from life of the joint stock swindles of the day. In 1868 he published a small vo- lume on " Turf Frauds." He has contributed to the Month, the Dublin Review, Belgravia, Fraser, Maemillan, the Whitehall Review, and other periodicals. MEATH, Bishop OP. (flf«e Plun-


MECKLENBUEG-STEELITZ (Grand Dxtke of), Fbedebick William Chablxs Gbobob Ebnsst Adolphus Gustavus, a lieut.-Gen. in the Prussian army, born Oct. 17, 1819; married June 28, 1848, the Princess Aug^ista Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Maria Sophia Louisa of Cambridge, daughter of the late

Duke of Cambridge. He succeeded his father, Sept. 6, 1860, and has one son, George Adolphus Frede- rick Augustus Victor Ernest Gus- tavus William Wellington, born July 22, 1848.

MEDING, 08KAB,a German nove- list, who writes under the pseudo- nym G&BOOB Samabow, was born April 11, 1829, at Kdnigsberg, be- ing the son of the Governor of East Prussia. He studied law in his native town, at Heidelberg, and at Berlin, from 1848 tiU 1851, when he became an advocate (Auskulta- tor) at Marienwerder. At a later period he was employed in the magistracy and administration ; and, in 1859, he quitted the public service of Prussia and joined that of Hanover. He was sent on seve- ral confidential missions by the King of Hanover, G^eorge V., and was concerned as a Councillor of State in the passing of various re- ligious and political measures. In 1863 he accompanied the King to Frankfort on the occasion of a Con- gress of the reigning Princes of Germany being held in that city. In 1865, wl;en a reactionary Minis- try was constructed, he went into opposition. Sent on a mission to the Elector of Hesse, in 1866, he returned to Hanover at the time of the Prussian invasion of that country, rejoined the King, who was with the army, and after the catastrophe of Langensalza, fol- lowed his royal master to Vienna. He went to Paris in the following year as the representative of the interests of the deposed King. In 1870 he gave in his adhesion to the Prussian Government, and, after residing two years in Switzerland, and at Stuttgart, he settled in Ber- lin, where, keeping wholly aloof from politics, he began to write his personal reminiscences, in the form of novels, under the pseudonym of " Gregor Samarow." His works in- clude "For the Sceptre and the Crown," a romance in 5 ports, the first of which bears the general title