Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/816

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elected King of Spain was destroyed by His fatal duel with his cousin, the Infante Don Enrique de Bour- bon. The ill-blood between the combatants was of long-standing, and had been added to not a little by D<Mi Enrique's letter to the Itegent, dated Jan. 14, soliciting rertoration to his naval rank and pay, of which the Goyemment of Karvaez had despoiled him years previously, for his avowal of liberal sentiments. In that letter he re- marked ! — " If Alfonso comes to the throne, I will neither be his enemy nor his courtier. Retired from all politics, I will end my days on a foreign soil. If Espartero should be brought to Madrid upon the shoulders of the nation, which does not wear the livery of Montpensier, I will salute him, for I love what is noble and honourable. When suborned villains are ready to pro- claim Mon1^>en8ier, my liberal and Spanish hea^ will cry out, ' Espar- tero ! ' If the Duke of Montpensier should carry out his menace to be ^dn^ or regent by secret conspiracy, I will join those who combat him, and shed my last drop of blood against such treason." To this strong language Enrique added an offensive letter, addressed " to the Mont^nsierists. The Duke de Monlpensier, galled beyond mea- sure, sent a challenge to his cousin, and a hostile meeting took place on March 12, 1870, at the artillery ground near Carabanchel, about three miles from Madrid. The combatants stood at ten paces from each other. Enrique fired his first shot in the air ; Montpensier imi- tated the example. Somewhat wildly Enrique fired his second shot, which went past Montoensier's head by the right side, so close that he distinctly heard the whizz of the b^. Montpensier's second shot struck the butt-end of Enrique's pistol and split it in two, one por- tion striking the collar of Don En- rique's coat, and the other Ms left shoulder, but without piercing the

cloth. Enrique fired a third time, but failed to strike his adversary, who, with deliberate coolness, took deadly aim at Ms cousin. The ball entered his head, and in three minutes Don Enrique expired. The Duke was greatly agitated, and, after being removed from the scene by Ms friends, was obliged instantly to take to his bed, where he re- mained for some days in a Mgh state of fever from over-excitement. On the 12th of April he was tried by a court martial, wMch s^itenced Mm to one month's banishment from the capital, and to pay 6,000 dollars by way of indenmification to the family of the deceased. By his marriage with the Infanta Marie Louise Ferdinande de Bourbon, he has had three sons and four daugh- ters. His eldest daughter, the Princess Marie Isabelle Fran9ois d' Assise Antonia Louisa Fernanda, bom at Seville, Sept. 21, 1848, was married to the Oomte de Paris, May 80, 1864; and his third daughter, the Princess Maria de las Mercedes, bom at Madrid, June 24, 1860, was married to her cousin, Alfonso XII., King of Spain, Jan. 23, 1878. (She died June 26, 1878.)

MONTREAL, Bishop op. {See Bond, Db.)

MOODY, DwTOHT Lyman, born at Northfield, Massachusetts, Feb. 5, 1887. He worked on a farm until the age of seventeen, when he be- came a clerk in a shoe-store in Bos- ton. In 1856 he went to CMcago, and wMle engaged in active busi- ness there entered zealously into missionaiT work among the poorer classes. During the Civil War he was in the service of the Christian Commission, and afterwards became a lay-missionary of the Young Men's Christian Association of (^cago. In 1873, accompanied by Mr. San- key, an effective singer, he went to England, and the two instituted a series of week-day religious ser- vices, wMch attracted large and enthusiastic audiences. They re- turned to America in 1876, where