Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/842

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the Bhine to Bouxij took the rail to Spa^ went on to Brussels, crossed from Ostend to Dover, visited Lon- don, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Trent- ham, Manchester, Windsor, Wool- wich, and Bichmond; crossed to Cherbourg, visited Paris, Geneva, Turin, Milan, and Verona ; crossed the Brenner to Salzburg and Vienna, returned to Italy, crossed from Brin- disi to Constantinople, and from Constantinople to Poti, took rail to Teflis and carriage to Baku, and thence returned by steamer to En- zeli, the Persian port at which His Majesty had first embarked in May. During this journey the Shah kept a diary, which, on his return, was published in the original Persian. A verbatim English translation, by Mr. J. W. Be&ouse, appeared at Xiondon in 1874. The Shah has since paid a visit to Bussia, enter- ing the capital of that country in state May 23, 1878. The "Diary kept by His Majesty the Shah of Persia during his Journey to Europe in 1878, translated from the Persian by Albert Schindler and Baron Louis de Norman, was published at Lon- don in 1879.

NAST, TnoMAfi, born at Landau, in Bavaria, Sept. 27, 1840. In 1846 his parents emigrated to America, and when very young he found em- ployment in the office of Prank liealie'sIlluitratedNewipaper, With only six months' art-instruction imder Theodor Kauf mann, he began to furnish acceptable sketches and drawings for the engravers. In 1860-61 he was in Europe, employed as a travelling artist for British and American illustrated periodi- cals. Betuming to America, he formed a connection with Harjper'i Weekly, which has continued to the present time. During 1873 he lectured in a number of cities in the United States, illustrating his lectures by caricatures drawn on the platform. He has illustrated, among other books, Dickens's " Pickwick Papers," and " Pictures from Italy," Nasley's Swingin'

Bound the Cerkle," &c. As a poU- tical caricaturist, or rather, satirist, he has few equals, and his produc- tions have been of great service to the Bepublican party. NELSON, Bishop op. (See


NEMOUBS, Louis Chaelbs Philippe Baphajcl d'ObuJans, Due DB, one of the Orleans princes, is the second son of King Louis Philippe, and was born at Paris, Oct. 25, 1814. He received his education in the College Henri IV., and was still a child when Charles X., in accordance with ancient custom, appointed him colonel of the first regiment of Chasseurs de Cheval, at the head of which he made his entry into Paris, Aug. 3, 1830. In Feb., 1831, he was elected King of the Belgians, but his royal fattier declined, on his behalf, this offer of the National Congress, as he did also at a later period a similar offer of the throne of Greece. Subse- quently the Due de Nemours served with distinction in the two Belgian campaigns, and in Algeria, being in 1837 promoted to the rank of Lieuteoiant-General. The prema- ture decease of his elder brother, the Due d'Orl^ans (July 13, 1842), placed the Due de Nemours in a position of great importance. Con- trary to the traditions of the old monarchy, which were in favour of the mother of the heir presumptive being declared Be^ent, a bill was intr<^uced, conf errmg the regency on the Due de Nemours, and car- ried in the Chamber of Deputies by a majority of 216 votes, and after- wards in the Peers by 163 to 14 votes. Public opinion, however, did not appear to ratify this law, which the general apprehension of danger caiued to be abandoned in 1848. After the revolution of Feb. the Due de Nemours quitted France, and joined the other members of the exiled family at Claremont; and he did not return to his native country until after the downfall of the empire in 1870. He married^