Page:Mennonite Handbook of Information 1925.djvu/118

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"Choral Gesangbuch," issued by Joseph Funk in 1816, who is recognized as the father of sacred song in Virginia. Printed at the office of Laurenz Wartman at Harrisonburg, Virginia.

"Gesangbuch," published in 1821 at Canton, Ohio, by Schaeffer & Sala.

"Katechismus zum Gebrauch in Schulen," first published in Europe, in 1797, and reissued at Waterloo, Ontario, in 1823.

"Die Ganze Heilige Schrift," printed by Kimber and Scharpless, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1830.

"Kurtzgefaszte Kirchen-Geschichte und Glaubenslehre," by Benjamin Eby in 1841, printed at Berlin (now Kitchener) Ontario.

"Die Gemeinschaftliche Liedersamnlung," by Heinrich Eby, at Berlin (now Kitchener) Ontario.

"Die Kleine Geistliche Harfe der Kinder Zions," printed at Doylestown, Pennsylvania, by Young & Loeb in 1848.

"Christliches Gemüths Gespräch für die Jugend," by Christian Burkholder, printed in 1839 at Berlin (now Kitchener) Ontario.

"Der Evangelische Botschafter," edited by Henry Bartolet of Skippach, Pennsylvania, in 1836.

"Erne Verhandlung von der Aeusserlichen Wassertauf und Erklärung der Irrthumer," by Peter Burkholder, printed at the office of Laurenz Wartman, Harrisonburg, Virginia, in 1818.

"Herold der Warheit," published originally at Chicago, Illinois, by John F. Funk & Brother, and later moved to Elkhart, Indiana. Also "Der Jugendfreund," by the same firm.