Page:Mennonite Handbook of Information 1925.djvu/43

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The wave of Modernism which has engulfed so many churches and institutions of learning has not failed to leave its impress upon certain classes in the Mennonite Church.

Twenty years ago, or more, it began to be evident that there were certain educational leaders, then members of the Mennonite Church, who had imbibed the idea that our doctrinal creed and methods of government had become obsolete and out of date to such a degree that the entire fabric needed reconstruction.

This species of heterodoxy was for years impressed upon students, and it became evident that some of them were imbibing the corroding and deadly influences of socalled higher criticism. That further inroads upon our young people's faith and life might be prevented, the Mennonite Board of Education became more alert, adopted more drastic measures, until the official roster and faculty of Goshen College was reformed to conform more nearly to the standards of the Church.

Meanwhile the fundamentals of the Christian faith and the dangers from modern liberalism were ably discussed in our church papers, in Bible conferences, from the pulpit, and in a number of books written on these subjects. Among these publica-