Page:Mennonite Handbook of Information 1925.djvu/9

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The book herewith handed to the Church presents historical data in such form, we believe, as will be of much value to all readers. It is to be hoped that the searcher after facts relating to the rise and progress of the Mennonite Church in America will, in this "Mennonite Hand-book of Information," find much of interest and value which has never before appeared in print.

Here, brief accounts appear of events that happened along the historical thread of more than two hundred sixty years that may be used by missionaries for general review of the advance and progress of the Church in the past. The committee also designed that such a book should find ready place in our schools as a text-book on purely historical subjects relating to the development of the Mennonite Church and the spiritual progress it has made from generation to generation since its establishment in America.

In this work the efforts of the committee have been expended in a studied presentation of every link in the chain of events leading from its earliest beginnings up to the present day in maintaining the Articles of her Confession of Faith. Such facts should be of great value to any one making inquiry into our faith, doctrine and practices, and particularly so to such as are converted and wish to unite with the Church.

Others desiring to know our doctrines and the