Page:Mennonite Handbook of Information 1925.djvu/94

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for the security and protection of the English government.

Out of this general exodus of Mennonites from the parent folds in the United States have in time grown and many different and (in a number of cases) large congregations now comprising the Ontario Conference, one of the important bodies among Mennonites in America.

The peace-loving Mennonites were in most cases misunderstood and were classed in common with the Tories and loyalists of that period. The property of hundreds was confiscated and the proceeds reverted to the government, that was just at that time in dire need for funds. In the meantime the British government made strong inducement to this unfortunate class of people to locate within the borders of Canada. Two hundred acres of land were given to each family and provisions were made to give as much more to each son when he became of age, and as much to each daughter when married.

Provisions, seeds, and tools were also provided. In Ontario alone it is said that nearly 3,000,000 acres of land was so turned over to new settlers. With such inducements there were many Mennonite families from Pennsylvania and elsewhere who left the bounds of the United States to begin homemaking anew in the rich timberlands of Upper Canada.