Page:Merchant of Venice (1923) Yale.djvu/108

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The Merchant of Venice, V. i

In both my eyes he doubly sees himself; 244
In each eye, one: swear by your double self,
And there's an oath of credit.

Bass.Nay, but hear me:
Pardon this fault, and by my soul I swear
I never more will break an oath with thee. 248

Ant. I once did lend my body for his wealth,
Which, but for him that had your husband's ring,
Had quite miscarried: I dare be bound again,
My soul upon the forfeit, that your lord 252
Will never more break faith advisedly.

Por. Then you shall be his surety. Give him this,
And bid him keep it better than the other.

Ant. Here, Lord Bassanio; swear to keep this ring.

Bass. By heaven! it is the same I gave the doctor!

Por. I had it of him: pardon me, Bassanio,
For, by this ring, the doctor lay with me.

Ner. And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano; 260
For that same scrubbed boy, the doctor's clerk,
In lieu of this last night did lie with me.

Gra. Why, this is like the mending of highways
In summer, where the ways are fair enough. 264
What! are we cuckolds ere we have deserv'd it?

Por. Speak not so grossly. You are all amaz'd:
Here is a letter; read it at your leisure;
It comes from Padua, from Bellario: 268
There you shall find that Portia was the doctor,
Nerissa, there, her clerk: Lorenzo here
Shall witness I set forth as soon as you
And even but now return'd; I have not yet 272
Enter'd my house. Antonio, you are welcome;
And I have better news in store for you

245 double: full of duplicity
249 wealth: welfare
253 advisedly: deliberately