Page:Merry Drollery Complete 1670.djvu/195

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Love is a fire
Made of deſire,
Whoſe chief Ambition is to heaven to aſpire.
It ſtops the gradation
Of fury and paſſion,
It governs all good Families, and beſt can guide a Nation.
The Low Land, the high Land,
And my Land, and thy Land,
Grew all in common ſtraight when Love had left this Iſland

Where peace is panting,
And rage is ranting,
’Tis an undoubted ſign the King of Love is wanting.
Father and Mother,
Siſter and Brother,
If Love be lacking, quickly miſchief one another.
Where wrath is, the rod is
That ruines our bodies;
With hate the divel is, but where Love is God is.
Then let us not doubt it,
But ſtreight go about it,
To bring in Love again, we cannot live without it.

Then let the Graces
Crown our embraces,
And let us ſettle all things in their proper places.
Leſt perſecution
Cauſe diſſolution,
Let all purloyned wealth be made a reſtitution.

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