Page:Merry Drollery Complete 1670.djvu/197

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Coney skins, Coney skins,
Maids, have you any Coney skins.

A Catch of the Beggars.
From hunger and cold who lives more free,
Or who lives a merrier life than we;
Our bellies are full, and our backs are warm,
And againſt all Pride our Rags are a Charm;
Enough is a feaſt, and for to morrow
Let rich men care, we feel no ſorrow.

The City, and Town, and every village
Afford us an Alms, or a Pillage;
And if the weather be cold and raw,
Then in a Barn we tumble in ſtraw:
If fair and warm, in yea-Cock and nay-Cock
The Fields afford us a hedge or a hey-Cock.

The Time-ſerver.
Room for a Gameſter that plaies at all he ſees,
Whoſe fickle fancy fits ſuch times as theſe,
One that ſaies Amen to every factious prayer,
From Hugh Peters Pulpit to S. Peters Chair,
One that doth defie the Croſier and the Crown,
But yet can bouze with Blades that Carrouze
