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Whereupon the cobler roſe up, and looked wishfully pon the and the rest of the nobles, but it was to lit- le or no purpoſe; for though he ſaw ſomething in the King's face which he thought he had seen before, yet he ould never imagine him to be Harry Tudor, whoſe heel his ſhoe he had mended, and who had been ſo merry ith him at the inn, and at his own cellar.

He therefore told the King he did not expect to find Harry Tudor smong ſuch fine folks as he ſaw there, at that the perſon he looked for was a plain honeſt, me he hearted fellow: Adding withal that he was ſure at did Harry Tudor but know that he was at court, he could make him very welcome for ſays the cobler, when parted, he charged the to come to coart and ſee him hich I promiſed I would, and accordingly have ds an oliday on purpose come and ſee him.

At which ſpeech of the cobler's the king had much do to forbear laghing outright; but keeping his counte ance as ſteady us he could before the cobler, he ſpake the yeoman of the guards

Here ſaid he, take the honeſt cobler down into my cel- r; and let him drink my good health I will give orders ist Harry Tudor ſhall come to him preſently.

So sway they went, the cobler being fit to leap out f his ſkin for joy, not only becauſe he had come ſo well s, but that he ſhould ſee his good friend Harry Tudor.


The cobler had not been long in the King's cellar, before the King came to him, in the ſame habit at he had on when be mended his ſhoe, whereupon the obler knew him immediately, and ran and killed him, aying.

Honeſt Harry, I have made a holiday on purpoſe to e you; but I such do to get leave of my wife