Page:Merry frolicks, or, The comical cheats of Swalpo, a notorious pick-pocket.pdf/14

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Vintner coming up, a Gentleman of the company aſked him if he kept ſharpers in the houſe, to affront Gentlemen and rob them? Nay, ſays the Vintner, (who was a very paſſionate man) do you bring ſharpers along with you, to affront me and rob my houſe? I'm ſure I have loſt a fine new cloak and beaver, and, for ought I know though you look like Gentlemen, you may be ſharpers yourſelves, and of you I expect to be paid for my loſſes and your reckoning alſo.

Immediately one of the company drew upon him, but the Vintner, ran down ſtairs, and called all the houſe together, bidding them get what they could, and not ſuffer one to come down ſtairs; and ſnatching his ſword in a fury, ran up ſtairs rgain. The ſervants arming themſelves with ſpits and fire-forks, and ſuch weapons as they could find, followed him. The uproar was very great, and my Lord coming out firſt to force his way down, made a puſh at the landlord, but was put by with a fire-ſhovel, which was in one of the drawers hands, narrowly eſcaping being thruſt into the guts with a long ſpit, which Margery, the cook wench, carried; ſo that my Lord, ſeeing the door ſo

well guarded with ſtout fellows and ſturdy wenches, retired into the room, and told the company he had almoſt died by the hands
