Page:Merry frolicks, or, The comical cheats of Swalpo, a notorious pick-pocket.pdf/4

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him ſpit out the gold, and ſome blood along with it. When the countryman endeavoured to ſpeak for himſelf, they kicked him, punched him, and toſſed him about, and ſome calling to the privy and pump, he was glad to call for mercy, and thought himſelf richer than the Great Turk when he got out of their clutches. The boy, in the mean time, ſlips from the croud, and goes to Swalpo with the gold, where he uſed to find him.


SWALPO and his boy changing clothes, and going into the crowd, heard ſome talking of the country fellow, how he had got into a houſe, and had ſent for ſome reſponſible people that knew him and his maſter, a knight of vaſt eſtate in the north, who was come to town upon great buſineſs with ſome Merchants. Swalpo knew the Gentleman and his eſtate very well, and, by what he heard, expecting to ſee him at the Exchange, went immediately thither, and picked his pocket of a great many guineas, having left the Gentleman none but one to pay for his dinner or other charges, until he ſhould receive a recruit.

The knight going to the tavern laughed heartily, when his tenant came and told him
