Page:Merry frolicks, or, The comical cheats of Swalpo, a notorious pick-pocket.pdf/8

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every gentleman in the room laying down a guinea, Roger down with his broad piece and bore his half. The gentleman went out with his watch, and as he walked, was very careful not to ſuffer man, woman, or child to come within arms length of him, thinking the devil was in it if any body could rob him at a diſtance. When it was almoſt time he ſhould return, a boy came ſoftly behind him, yet not ſo near as to give the gentleman ſuſpicion. As he paſt by, he looked over his ſhoulder, and tells the Gentleman his back was covered with huge lice, which he perceiving, and wondering where he had been that day. Good boy, ſays the gentleman, take them off, and I'll give you a ſhilling. The boy does ſo, and picking the lice off his back, and the watch out of the fob, he received his reward and run off.

The gentleman returns to the tavern, wondering all the way how he came by ſuch, which he perceiving, loathed the ſight, fretting him all the way. When he returned, Swalpo enquired at him what o'clock it was by his watch, which thinking to pull out, he was amazed to find it gone. Swalpo pulls it out, aſking if that was it? The gentleman ſtood as dumb as a fiſh, turning up the white of his eyes. Roger laughed ſo outragiouſly, that after the gentleman had
