Page:Merry piper, or, The popish fryar & boy.pdf/6

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No archer living ever had
so sure a one before.
Take notice well of what I say,
such virtues are in this,
That wink or look another way,
the mark thou shalt not miss.
Now when he had the bow in hand,
with arrowes by his side,
The little lad did smilling stand,
and modestly reply'd.
I wish I had a pipe likewise,
tho it were ne'er so small,
The which I trow would me suffice,
for nothing more I'd call.
A pipe I have for thee, my boy,
the like was never known.
So full of mirth and mickle joy,
that whensoever 'tis blown,
All living creatures that do hear
the sweet and pleasant sound,
They shan't be able to forbear,
but dance and skip around.
Now tell me what shall be the third,
tho' it be ne'er so dear;
Resolv'd I am to keep my word,
speak up, and do not fear.
The boy then smilling answered, No
you arc too kind and free;
I have a pleasant pipe and bow,
which enough for me.
But son, I solemly do swear,
that you three things shall have.
And therefore now in brief declare,
what you request and crave.
Then said the boy, I do protest,
a step mother have I,
Who will not let me live at rest,
she swears continually,