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bare head! Yes, said the carver. I say, said the Scotsman, I will have a bare head like the head that follows a sow with gryces. What, whoreson, know you not a sow that will greet and groan and cry a-week, a-week. What, said the carver, do you mean a pig! Yes, said the Scotsman, let me have her head made of timber, and set on her a scalp, and let her sing-- Whip whire. The carver said he could not. You whoreson, said he, gar her as she'd sing whip whire.


In old times, during these tales, the wives of Gotham were got into an ale-house, and said they were all profitable to their husbands. Which way, good gossips ! said the ale-wife. The first said, I will tell you all, good gossips. I cannot brew nor bake, therefore I am every day alike, and go to the ale-house because I cannot go to church; and in the alehouse I pray to God to speed my husband, and I am sure my