Page:Merry tales of the wise men of Gotham (9).pdf/18

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( 18 ) would have a boar’s head:According ly he went to a carver, and faid, can you make me a bare-head ? Yes, faid the carver. Then,faid he, make me a bare-head, and thoufe have 2od for thy hire. I will do it faid the carver, So on St Andrew’s day before Chrift- mas the which is called Yule in Scot- land, the Scot came to London for his boar’s head to fet up at his door, I fay to thee, fpeak, fays the Scotfman, haft thou made me a bare-head ? Yes, faid the carver,He went and brought a man’s head of wood that was bare and faid, Sir, here is your bare head Ay, faid the Scot, The meikle (illegible text) this a bare-head ! Yes, faid the carver. I fay, faid the Scotfman, I will have a bare-head, like a head that follows the fow that has gryces. Sir, faid the car- ver, I don’t know a fow and gryces. What, whorefon, know you not a fow that will greet and groan,and cry, a week, a week.What, faid the carver, do you mean a pig? Yes, faid the Scotfman, let me have her fcalp, and let her fing whip whire.The carver faid,he could not. You whorefon.