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( 23 ) what need we make a toil of a pleafure. Two Irifhmen, walking together in the fields, were at length hemmed in by a great ditch, which when they per- ceived, quoth one of them, we muft go back again, for the ditch is too big or us to jump over ; nay, quoth the other, I proteft I’ll jump over, though light in the middle. A number of French gentlemen din- tig in a tavern in Germany, the maid, s fhe took out the difhes, let a roufing art; and her miftrefs fcolding her fe- rerely for doing fuch a thing in hear- ing of the guefts. Pafhaw, madam, fays he, you don’t confider that they are all French people, and don’t underftand German. In Admiral Hawke’s laft engagement with the French, a failor on board one the fhips, had a leg fhot off, whereup- n one of his meff-mates took him own to the furgeon, and took his leg off the deck and put it under his arm ; he was no fooner brought down, but another of his meff mates began fhak- g his head, and telling him, he was very forry he had loft a leg. That’s a amn’d lie, you fon of a b—h, replied