Page:Message of Psychic Science to the World.djvu/13

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The history of this book may interest some readers at the present day more than its contents.

My father, T. R. Everest, was a learned occultist in days when occultists were few. He did everything in his power to call attention to the dangerous reaction which must come if the clerical and medical professions persisted in ignoring the phenomena of Mesmerism, Trance and Clairvoyance.

Frederick Maurice was a fanatical opponent of all investigation of such phenomena from the experimental or scientific side. Can any good come except from Nazareth?

But Maurice believed that the Church of England system made possible an indefinite expansion of liberality.

Messrs. Macmillan started a movement and a journal for the purpose of unifying Religion and Science under the ægis of Maurice. They invited me to join the movement and contribute to the magazine. I had given lectures on psychology to a few Churchwomen.

As a test of Maurice's sincerity I asked him to read the MS. of these lectures and tell me what