Page:Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison Vol. 1.djvu/646

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Brigade Orders

Camp Battle des Illinois, October, 25th, 1811

Burton, Historical Colletion, 176

Brigade Order Pursuant to the General order of yesterday the Brigade will commence their march on 27th inst. The moment not being distant when they will be called to actual duty enforced it on the commander of Corps to see their arms and ammunition in perfect order and for that purpose a daily inspection will be made and all deficiencies immediately replaced.

In the event of meeting the enemy the Brigade will be ordered to make a vigorous and successful charge, the enemy will retreat in confusion, the horse will pursue and complete the victory.

Officers and soldiers will remember what their country expects from them and what a determined body are capable of performing against an inferior number of Indians. Soldiers must be obedient to their officers prompt and resolute in execution of their duty. Lieutenant Colonel [James] Miller's ill health deprives him the honor of leading the Regulars; that duty devolves on Major [Geo. R. C.] Floyd, and by the direction of the Commander in Chief Capt. [William C.] Baen will perform the duty of Major. He will be mounted and lead the left wing of the regulars.

Signed, Jno. P. Boyd Col. 4th Regt. Infy. A. C. G.

Harrison to Secretary of War

Camp Battelle Des Illinois 29th Octr. 1811

Har. Pa. 502, 503


The want of provisions and waiting to know the result of the Delaware mission to the Prophet has detained me here until this time. The Fort has also taken much more work than I had expected and the great deficiency of axes and the bad quality of those which we had had protracted the finishing it to double the time that it would have taken otherwise. It is now however completed and is a very handsome and strong work. The Baggage is now loading and the General will be beaten as soon as a Boat load of Flour which can at