Page:Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison Vol. 1.djvu/97

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ss. William Henry Harrison Esquire Governor of the Indiana Territory to the Honble. John

Griffin Esqr. one of the Judges in and over said Territory and John Edgar and Peter Menard Esquires of the County of Randolph, Greeting:

Whereas, we have assigned you the aforesaid John Griffin our Justice, to Inquire more fully by the Oaths of Honest and lawful men of the County of Randolph, by whom the Truth of the Matter may be Better known, of all treasons. Insurrections and Rebellions, and of all Murdei's, Felonies, Manslaughter, Burglaries, Rapes of Women, unlawful Uttering of Words, unlawful Assemblies, Mis-prisons, Confederacies, Maintainances, Oppressions, deceits and all other Misdeed and offences and Inuries, whatsoever and by whomsoever, and howsoever, done, had, perpetrated or committed and all and Singular the premises and eveiy or any of them for this time to hear and determine according to Law. And afterwards associated the said John Edgar and Peter Menard with you the aforesaid John Griffin in the premises. We command you, that if You all cannot conveniently attend to act in the premises, that you or any two of you, who shall happen to be present, of which we will that you the said John Griffin be one, proceed to act in the premises according to Law.

Witness William Henry Harrison, Esquire Governor of the Indiana Territory at Vincennes this Twenty Fourth day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two and of the Independence of the United States the Twenty Seventh.

By the Governor, JNO. GIBSON, Secrety

Proclamation: Selling Liquor to Indians

October 24, 1802

Executive Journal, 7

The Congress of the United States having by the act of the 30th March, 1802, authorized the President of the United States to take such measures as he may deem Expedient for preventing the Introduction of ardent Spirits amongst the