Page:Messages of the President of the United States on the Relations of the United States to Spain (1898).djvu/76

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Undoubtedly one-half the concentrated people have died; and to-day Spanish soldiers are companion victims to the surviving noncombatants.

The inclosed slip (inclosure No. 1), showing the number of deaths, official, in the small municipal district of San Juan dela Yeras, will give some idea of the rapid increase from month to month, as will also the clippings (inclosure No. 2), cut from the local papers, show that the authorities no longer conceal these facts, as was done under the retired Captain-General. This appalling death roll is mute, yet convincing, proof of the terrible destruction of life under the main policy pursued in attempting to subjugate the island. The heavens, it would appear, weep for despoiled, distressed Cuba, for during the present month the fall of rain has been almost phenomenal. I have to reiterate, the authorities, however great the desire to do so, are utterly helpless to ameliorate the dire distress that must continue to increase. * * *

Relative to furnishing protection to the mills to grind, how is it possible in view of the fact that the safeguard extended planters in making the previous crop enabled them to grind less than one-third of the usual yield, while the military force available to-day is not half in numbers as at that time.

With me the conviction is firmly rooted that within sixty days 90 per cent of the populace will reach a state of craving hunger, without outside aid, nor do I feel that I am speaking chimerically when I include the rank and file of the Spanish army.

The true status, as viewed at present, will bear out this opinion. The suffering among the troops, as well as the reconcentrados, simply beggars portrayal, while discontent ripens daily.

I am, etc.,

Walter B. Barker

[Inclosure 1 in No. 266.]

Number of deaths each month from January 1 to November 15, 1897, in the municipal district of San Juan de las Lleras.

{Reported officially.]

January 17 August 366
February 18 September 377
March 17 October 417
April 55 November—to 15th 275
May 117
June 265 Total 2,267
July 343

[Enclosure 2 in No. 266.—Translation.]

Various News.

During the month of October last 886 deaths occurred in Santa Clara. There were 44 births only.


El Universo, a daily constitutional paper, which is published in Santa Clara, says:

In the month of October last 886 persons died at Santa Clara.

This is the natural consequence of one of the many humanitary proceedings of Weyler—the "concentration" without food. And this is said by El Universo, the Union constitutional daily paper, etc., etc. Horror!