Page:Methods of Operating the Comptometer (1895).djvu/9

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In multiplication the first thing is to acquire the habit of rapidly giving the keys the proper stroke a number of times in succession. Therefore practice for fifteen minutes the following finger exercises:

Place the second finger of the right hand on the 7 key and strike it four times; move to the 70 key and strike it four times, and continue clear across the machine, striking each 7 key four times. Let the finger raise off of the key one-quarter inch each stroke, not much more or less. Strike them just as rapidly as possible, always giving a full stroke. After practicing on the 7 keys a few minutes, take the 5 keys, then the 9 keys, then the 2 keys. Then begin on the 7 keys again and strike the first one six times, the next one four times, the next one six times, the next one four times, and so on across the row. Do this on some of the other rows.

In multiplying, keep the eyes on the paper and not on the machine. By keeping the eyes on the paper the accuracy and rapidity of the work will be increased 100 per cent. It is advisable to glance at the keys each time a new figure of the multiplier is employed, but not when moving from one key to another in the same row.