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ance, with a projection at the back for insetting in a wall (Fig. 33, c).

The characteristic Oaxaca slabs, with their dates in mixed Mexican and Maya style, have their parallel in the carvings on what must have been an extremely beautiful temple at Xochicalco in the Tlalhuica region. This ruin, though in the same district as the Aztec temple of

Fig. 33.—a. Stone slab from near Xochicalco.
b. Pottery beaker, bearing the date 2. xochitl Zapotec.
c. Stone head, Oaxaca.

Tepoztlan, is of an entirely different type and the style of its rich ornamentation bears a close resemblance to the remains at Tulan, one of the Toltec cities. Its present condition is shown on Pl. XIII together with a restoration by Holmes. It is only fair to state that this distinguished archaeologist has since modified his ideas regarding its original form, and it should be said that the pillars dividing the doorway would almost certainly have had perpendicular faces. With this exception and with the further exception of some doubt attaching to